
Friday, June 28, 2019

Free settling and hindered settling

 Free settling
  • Free settling is the settling of the particle unaffected by other particles and the wall of the container.
  • In this process, the individual particle does not collide with the other particles or with the wall of the container.
  • Hence the particles are at sufficient distance from the wall of the container & from each other.
  • When the concentration of the solid particles in suspension is less than 1% wt, free settling conditions exist

Hindered settling

  • Hindered settling is the settling of particles affected by other particles and by the walls of the container.
  • In this process, the individual particle collides with the other particles or with the wall of the container.
  • Hence the particles should be close to each other and wall of the container.
  • When the concentration of the solid particles is large(> 1% by wt.), the particles are so close to each other than the surrounding particles will interfere with the motion of other particles and hindered settling condition exists.

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