
Monday, July 1, 2019

Reynolds number and its significance

Reynolds number 
  • The Reynolds number is the basic tool to predict the flow pattern in a conduit.
  • It is the ratio of the inertial force to the viscous force.

        D = diameter of the pipe, ( m)
        u = average velocity, ( m/s )
        ρ = density of the fluid, ( kg/m3 )
        μ = viscosity of the fluid, ( kg/m.s )
        NRe = Reynolds number

        Significance of Reynolds number

  • It is a dimensionless number.
  • It is a useful tool to determine the nature of the flow, whether laminar or turbulent flow.
                  NRe  < 2100, the flow is always laminar
                  NRe  > 4000, the flow is turbulent laminar
                 2100<NRe < 4000  Flow is transition flow where the flow is changed                           from laminar to turbulent

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