
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Definition of fluid

  • A fluid is a substance which deforms continuously under the application of shear force no matter how small the shear stress may be.
  • The fluid does not have a definite shape of its own, but conforms to the shape of the containing vessel
  • Liquid and gases or vapors are considered as fluid.
Ideal fluid
  • It is a fluid which does not offer resistance to flow or to change shape and the resulting motion is called as ideal or inviscid flow
  • Hence it does not has viscosity ( Î¼ = 0).
  • It is frictionless and incompressible.
  • But the ideal fluid is an imaginary fluid, it does not exist in nature.
Real fluid
  • It is a fluid which offers resistance when it is set in motion and their motion is known as viscous flow.
  • All naturally occurring fluids are real fluids.

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