
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow

Laminar flow
  • In laminar flow, the fluid flows without any lateral mixing, cross currents and eddies.
  • The flow is in the form of parallel streams which do not mix with each other.
  • Hence this flow also called streamline flow or viscous flow
  • Laminar flow occurs
    • when the liquid viscosity is high
    • liquid velocity is very low
    • when the characteristic length is significantly small
Fig. Laminar flow
Turbulent flow
  • It is characterized by eddies and cross-currents in a random direction.
  • The fluid layers overlap with each and there will be lateral mixing.
  • The velocity at which flow changes from laminar to turbulent is called as critical velocity.
  • Turbulent flow occurs
    • when the liquid viscosity is very low
    • liquid velocity is very high
Fig. Turbulent flow
The Reynolds number (NRe)a basic tool to predict the flow pattern.
  • When NRe < 2100   Flow is laminar
  • When NRe > 4000   Flow is turbulent
  • When 2100<NRe < 4000  Flow is transition flow where the flow is changed from laminar to turbulent

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