
Monday, July 8, 2019

What is Fourier's law of conduction

Fourier's law of conduction
Fourier's law of conduction
  • Fourier gave a physical law for heat transfer by conduction hence it is called a law of conduction

" Fourier's law of conduction state that  the rate of heat conduction that is heat transfer is proportional to the area measured normal to the area measured normal to the direction of heat flow and to the temperature gradient in that direction"
  • For one dimensional or unidirectional heat conduction

      Q = rate of heat conducted (W)
      A = surface area (m2)
      k = the proportionality constant/ thermal conductivity/ coefficient of conductivity             (W/mK)
      dT/dx = temperature gradients
      The negative sign used because as temperature decreases as length increases and         heat flow is a positive quantity.
For the slab, this law can be written as follows
  • From the above figure of the slab
  • For one dimensional conduction, the temperature gradient ( dT/dx ) can be written as
  • Hence Fourier's law of conduction can be written as

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