
Monday, July 8, 2019

Difference between Refrigerator and Heat pump

  • The main objective of the refrigerator  is to extract  energy in the form of heat from low-temperature body 
  • A refrigerator is a device which works in a cycle.
  • When work is done on the refrigerator, it absorbs energy as heat from a low-temperature reservoir and rejects energy as heat to a high-temperature reservoir
  • Refrigerators are used to preserve food items and drugs at low temperature.
  • In this device, freon is used as a working fluid 
Heat pump
  • The main objective of a heat pump is to reject energy in the form of heat to high temperature reservoir 
  • A Heat pump is also working in a cycle.
  • Just like the refrigerator Heat pump absorb energy as heat from a low-temperature reservoir and reject energy as heat to a high a temperature reservoir, when work is done on the heat pump.
  • The heat pump used to keep the rooms warm in winter.

Fig. Schematic of a heat pump or refrigerator

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